Thursday, June 17, 2010

Blog Post 5-Critques of Smartboards

Mrs. Manza's article
Mrs. Manza's artice seems to disagree with Mr. Ferriter's perspective of "Why I hate Interactive Whiteboards." Mrs. Giley who is a teacher at Kent County High School states "What makes it worthwhile are the interactive features and getting the kids at the board to connect with the material, because on the whiteboard you can present it in a way you cannot do with a chalkboard or overhead projector." With the interactive white board, she can take kids through a lesson step by step, and it is visual. Students with disabilities are able to interact in the lesson by tracing letters and by making colorful charts showing patterns.

In this ArticleProfessional Development Resource For Innovative Educators , they think Smartboards are a great way of learning. They state "SmartBoards have been proven to be effective teaching and learning tools in the classroom for reaching all students with multiple learning styles." They think it is a smart way to enrich technology. They even show a four session course that focuses on training a teacher to understand the tools and advanced functions to fully utilize the Smartboard in the classroom.


  1. Good links! Through the reading I found, it really depends on how the teacher is going to utilize the board. If they take advantage of all the perks, I guess it is a great investment. Good job!

  2. Katie,

    You bring up a great point ... They even show a four session course that focuses on training a teacher to understand the tools and advanced functions to fully utilize the Smartboard in the classroom. Whenever we try and help people understand technology it is imperative that we not only show the "neat" technology but we provide them with support. This should be a must when introducing new technology. In this course we try and make sure that you not only get to learn new technologies but that you also have a number of ways of getting support. These include videos, websites, live help and so on. This is how we will truly adopt new technologies and then teach it to others.

  3. Katie,

    You forgot to discuss the other two videos, The Chipper Series and EDM 310 for Dummies.
